A Hubble Diagram from ESSENCE

The Equation of State of Dark Energy

A Hubble Diagram from ESSENCE

The Equation of State of Dark Energy

Since the discovery of the accelerating expansion of the Universe in 1998, type Ia supernovae (SN Ia) have remained our most sensitive probe of dark energy. I joined the ESSENCE (Equation of State: SupErNova tracE Cosmic Expansion) project at the start of my graduate studies. ESSENCE observed over 200 SN Ia over seven years, in R and I at a median redshift of 0.4, and constrain the equation of state of dark energy, w, to 10%. I was heavily involved in schedule optimization, imaging, spectroscopic follow-up, pipeline development, data reduction and analysis. I lead the final analysis of the survey for my thesis. I have also been involved in cosmological studies using the Pan-STARRS telescope, and am working on combining PS1 supernovae with other literature samples. Together with my colleague Prof. Kaisey Mandel at Cambridge, I work on building Bayesian models to improve the inference of distances from SNIa light curves, and I’m very interested in understanding supernova progenitors and their relationship to the host environment. I am an active member of the LSST Dark Energy Science Collaboration.

Gautham Narayan
Assistant Professor, Astronomy